
Saturday, April 30, 2011

School is finally over, for the most part just have to do finish my 2 finals, maybe 3, honestly I dont know when my math final is I am so FUCKED in that class, my parents are not only gonna crucify me, they will cut wounds into me and submerge me a tub of rubbing alcohol. Alright, that was a little dark haha, but anyways I dont know how my parents are going to react, all semester I told them I didnt need to go because the class was "easy". Math 1010, I thought would be a joke because I basically should be in math 1060 due to taking Pre-Calc in High school but I just got overwhelmed, and frankly uninterested. Numbers blow. My confidence in academics is my greatest strength as well as my biggest weakness. Somehow this semester I have been putting minimal effort into important assignments worth like 30% of my grade and somehow I keep getting 90% plus, which either means I am an amazing writer(which I am not) or the most obvious reason...I go to SLCC. Anyways Max, Rachel, Sam and I went on a random excursion this morning at 4 in the morning to eat, frankly because Rachel is an insomniac, Sam and I were procrastinating/not motivated to write our papers, and Max had just gotten out of a movie, so what better way that to procrastinate even more than to IHOP it up. Also looking back through this draft I noticed that Google Chrome is not like my phone at all, I have to put all the apostrophes on things meh. Sigh, I think I'm going to start writing more on this just cause. Problem is Im boring might not be that interesting so whatever. One more thing I will end on, Fucking Mexicans at the RSL Game pissed me off so much, so disrespectful and felt so high and mighty I want to fucking fight all of them, but I realized they would all need ladders in order to get a punch in on my face or my chest even, k done, I did this all in one go so any grammar issues idc about its late and im running on 2 hours of sleep.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stuff that makes me happay

Yeah updated list of what I like, I was bored and I felt like it.

1. Cuddling.
2. Black movies
3. Sushi.
4. Ethnicities being stereotypical
5. Soccer
6. Free pie wednesday
7. Perfume
8. Pandas
9. My dog.
10. Jersey Shore.
11. Hugs.
12. Hugs.
13. Being able to wear shorts and short sleeve shirts and not be considered "crazy"
14. Helping people.
15. Massages.
16. Sushi.
17. The ocean.
18. The sand.
19. The salty smell.
20. Being able to be active and not have my leg hurt.
21. Making fun of stupid people on facebook :)
22. Snowboarding.
23. Morning Ops, New Years ops, Saturday ops, Nature ops, Valentines Ops.
24. Temporary Tattoos
25. Camping.
26. Fire. I'm a pyro.
27. Fishing.
28. The Bayleaf.
29. Pauly D
30. Unicorns.
31. Coke.
32. Being Kept warm.
33. Making Wine. (kind of)
34. PTP.
35. Soccer Stores.
36. Sandwiches
37. Having money.
38. Netflix.
39. Beautiful eyes.
40. Churros.
41. Speaking Code to brownies.
42. Snooki
43. Chile.

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