
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lets go UTAH!!

Updating this while watching the U game, come on boys get your shit together you're so much better than this.  We can't lose to the Irish come onnnnn!!

9- What are you attracted to most in the same/opposite sex? Are you more for looks, or personality?

Omg eyes, eyes, eyes, and oh yeah eyes, I am such a sucker for eyes they are the most beautiful things about a girl, they reveal so much about what type of person they are, you can lie through everything but your eyes.  Also personality for sure it's a lie to say that no one focuses on looks but for me it is the last thing I look for. I love girls that I can just be myself with no need to mask or be embarrassed about what I say/do.

10- What are you least attracted to in the same/opposite sex?

Girls that are taller than me, that is definitely a no go haha wayyyy too awkward for my own liking.

11- What do you think our planet would look like in 10 years? How about 20 years?

Oh in 10 years we are going to be having an iPack, the iCar, the iPlane, the iBomb, and of course the iHouse you know  basically everything is going to be apple related ha. I think that in 10 years nothing will really have changed, 10 years isn't that long. Right now I dont know whats really different in the world asides from the advancements in the technology which will obviously keep going, but flying cars and jet packs are not gonna be anywhere in the near future. 
12- Are you into the green movement? Should being enviromentally friendly something everyone should be a part of?

I think protecting the environment is an important task that we have inherited unfortunately and we're going to have to do something about it. Im not huge about it but still think that going even slightly green wont hurt anyone. People just hate change..

13- Do you think you’d be able to put together and preform a decent stand up comedy act? What would you talk about?

HELL to the NO. Sorry doing 4 of these at the same time was definitely not a good idea I ran out of ideas and just stopped thinking/caring not even gonna do pictures :)


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